Eye Care Tips That Could Save One’s Eyesight

The eyes are one of the most important organs in the human body. Let’s take a look at eye care tips that can help keep them healthy.

Get Regular Eye Checkups

One might think one’s eyesight is fine, but the only way to be sure is to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

During a comprehensive dilated eye exam, the eye care professional will put drops in the patient’s eyes to widen the pupils. This lets more light into the eyes, which helps the doctor examine them for any signs of damage or disease.

Keep Blood Sugar in Check

90% of blindness caused by diabetes is preventable if we take suitable precautions. People who are considered at-risk should reach out to their health care team for advice on setting and achieving goals to manage their blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

Learn About One’s Family’s Eye Health History

Ask family members about their eye health. Knowing if anyone has been diagnosed with an eye disease or condition can help one understand their own risk for developing an eye disease or condition.

Eat Healthy Foods

Studies show that increasing one’s intake of fruits, green leafy vegetables, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids can help protect one’s vision.

Stay Within a Healthy Weight Range

Obese people are at risk of developing diabetic eye disease or glaucoma. These conditions can result in vision loss. If one has difficulty maintaining a healthy weight, speak with a doctor about a plan to help one reach this goal.

Safety First! Wear Protective Eyewear

Always wear protective eye gear when performing DIY home projects or engaging in dangerous sports. Put on swimming goggles, safety shields, and eye guards specially designed to provide the proper protection for the activity one is engaged in.

Quit Smoking, or Don’t Start

Smoking can damage one’s eyes in the same way it damages the rest of the body. It increases one’s risk of age-related macular degeneration, cataract, and optic nerve damage—all of which can lead to blindness.

Wear Sunglasses when Outdoors

Sunglasses are not just a trendy accessory; they protect one’s eyes from harmful UV rays. Don’t forget to slip them on when heading out the door. When shopping for sunglasses, only consider items labeled ‘UV-A and UV-B protection.’